Paper format
The Conference has adopted original
IEEE Conference Style
Please use A4 paper settings. Your submission should be 4 or 6 pages long.
Due to prospective inclusion of conference papers in IEEExplore database it is critical,
that all submitted papers should strictly observe technical rules.
Beside scientific review (by two independent reviewers) each paper will undergo
a technical review. The paper must satisfy the technical reviewer till final paper version deadline.
Submission should be done using widely accepted EasyChair conference
management system.
If you not already familiar with that system - a short intro is given below.
Paper submission process
How to upload a paper for ICSES 2016 and to deal with a conference management system EasyChair
By navigating to:
you will be moved to a login window managed by the EasyChair
If you do not have yet an EasyChair account, you should click 'create an account'
and pass through simple procedures such as:
- filling in the captcha,
- filling in you first and last names, as well as email,
- replying to a confirmation email,
- completing the account creation by providing more personal details.
Those who already have an EasyChair account should sign in to the login window using new or existing username
and password. Then click "New Submission", and next follow the instructions (fill in the necessary forms and
upload your paper in PDF format).
It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form compatible with IEEE Xplore.
Final (camera-ready) version preparation
The EasyChair submission system is again open but only for updating your submission.
Please read reviewers' comments and introduce suggested improvements and corrections (if such are suggested).
The second issue is strict conformity with IEEE conference paper layout as well as compatibility of your PDF with
IEEEXplore for distribution through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, which includes:
- PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) or later but not Acrobat 9;
- created with a PDF distiller (converted by PDF eXpress or created with pdflatex and checked by PDF eXpress) and not scanned;
- all fonts must be embedded or subsetted;
- no password or other security settings;
- no bookmarks or links;
- no PDF attachments.
The compatibility of the paper must be validated using IEEE PDF eXpress service.
You can use it for either converting your paper from the source application format to Xplore-compatible PDF,
or to check PDF produced with your tools to determine if it is Xplore-compatible.
Please visit
 and put Conference ID: 39195X. If you have an existing account you may use it with your credentials;
if not – you should create one.
If you are not familiar with PDFExpress read and
follow it
After creation/validation please upload final version to EasyChair.
Your submission is PDF compatible it will be subject of final (editorial) review only.
A “technical reviewer” will contact you only if there are violation of paper appearance.
Your “clear” final paper must be uploaded till August 10, 2016.
We advise to upload papers with appropriate advance especially when you plan staying offline close to that date.