Presentation rules
Presentation rules during ICSES 2016
The conference presentations will run in two parallel sessions.
The language of the Conference is English, neither translation nor interpretation will be provided.
The time allocated for each regular presentation is 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion.
Prepare your slides as a PowerPoint file or a PDF and bring them with you to the conference on data stick or other
portable memory device. You will not generally be able to plug your own laptop into the conference projection system.
To facilitate a smooth transition between speakers you will need to load your files onto the computer in the
conference room before your presentation during the break before the session or earlier. It is also expected that the session chairman or the technical support will be given details who is presenter of a given contribution.
Invited Speakers
The invited talks will be given by:
Gerhard Fettweis (Vodafone / TU Dresden) - A 5G Hardware Platform - The Tomahawk MPSoC Concept
Themis Prodromakis (University of Southampton) - Memristive Devices and Applications: A paradigm shift for nano electronics
Bogusław Cyganek (AGH University of Science and Technology) - Tensor Based Signal Processing - Introduction and Recent Advances